Singapore Overseas Networks & Expertise Visas

Overseas Networks & Expertise Visa

The Overseas Networks & Expertise Pass is a personalised pass for top talent across all sectors, including in business, arts and culture, sports, as well as academia and research.

It allows eligible applicants to concurrently start, operate and work for multiple companies in Singapore at any one time.

Application Requirements

  • Salary Criterion

Existing work pass holders and overseas candidates can apply if they meet either of the salary criteria below:

1. Earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $30,000, or its equivalent in foreign currency for the last year.

2. Will earn a fixed monthly salary of at least $30,000 under their prospective employer based in Singapore.

The fixed monthly salary of at least $30,000 should come from one employer.

  • Work Experience

For overseas candidate: 

You have been working for an established company overseas for at least 1 year OR You will be working for an established company in Singapore.

For existing work pass holders: 

You have been working in Singapore for at least 1 year OR You will be working for an established company in Singapore.

  • Outstanding Achievements

Applicants with outstanding achievements in at least one of the areas below: Sports, Arts and culture, Academia and research may apply without meeting the salary criteria.

Program Benefits

  • Be classified as the TOP 5% professional group in Singapore, and it is the international talent that Singapore government wants to attract and retain most, this group of applicants can enjoy a better welfare provided by the government.
  • Long-term residency permit valid for 5 years, and every renewal is valid for 5 years as well.
  • After holding ONE Pass for one year, applicants may apply for Singapore Permanent Residency.
  • Outstanding achievements in science and technology, culture and art, research and academics, or sports can also apply for ONE Pass.
  • ONE Pass can be applied before relocate to Singapore to start work. The spouse of ONE Pass can apply for a Letter of Consent to work.