Singapore Self-employed EP

Singapore Self-employed EP

Singapore is one of the most attractive destinations for international talents nowadays. For foreigners to legitimately stay and work in Singapore, the country offers various types of work permits/passes to suit different work force. The complexity of selecting the right type of passes can be an issue to applicants. Thus, Globevisa will assess our clients’ overall background to comprehend which work pass suits them most.

Application Requirements

Throughout years’ of dedication to the industry, Globevisa has established our own standard to guarantee high success rate. For Singapore Self-employed EP application, we boil down the crucial conditions of our successful clients into the following points.

1. For the parent company: this parent company shall be established for at least six years, and the turnover in the past year must be SGD 1,600,000 or above;

2a. For the applicant: he/she shall either be a Shareholder or a Managerial Executive with at least three years of management experience in this eligible parent company.

2b.The applicant must possess a diploma or above as education qualification. If the applicant cannot provide proof of education experience, he/she will have to prove exceptional achievements on investment and business experience.

Program Benefits

1. Sequential Entrepreneurship: Set up the business presence only after the approval of the application.

2. Path to Permanent Residency: Self-employed EP holders may have the opportunities to apply for Permanent Residence in Singapore in 2 years.

3. Dependant Privileges: Successful applicants can bring their family members (spouse, children under 21 years old, and common-law spouse) to Singapore on Dependant Passes.

4. Flexibility in Business Activities: Self-employed EP allows entrepreneurs to engage in a wide range of business activities, giving them the flexibility to explore different industries and sectors as their business evolves.

5. Networking Opportunities: Self-employed EP holders may benefit from networking opportunities, mentorship programs, and access to Singapore’s vibrant business ecosystem.